Barbara Takenaga
Angel (Little Egypt), State I
p color lithograph w/pearlescent powder
24 x 20
Edition published by Shark's Ink
Curated by Laurel Sparks
July 14 - August 26
Opening Reception: Thursday, July 14, 6-8 pm
Michael Berryhill
Nicholas Buffon
Juan-Carlos Castro
Nicole Cherubini
Shoshana Dentz
Cecilia Dougherty
Angela Dufresne
Adriana Farmiga
Katy Fischer
Angelina Gualdoni
Michelle Handelman
Sue Havens
Vera Iliatova
Jeanine Oleson
Jill Pangallo
Diana Puntar
Kanishka Raja
Jane South
Erica Svec
Barbara Takenaga
Oliver Wasow
bespoke bathing costume
Sparks says this show features geniuses only!
Come one come all y'all to gawk at their works:
whose stalagmites elude portrayal
but for the smudgen empyrean
fibrous by seat of their cohort--
ashtray w/ suspenders unwrinkled
a pile of glazier-thin feuilles fatales
flurry of homosocial g.w.ps
twins peer at the heart in thir pants
weeping fruitier and downreaching espalier
a nacorn an urn unhectorized
gutterclouds inform an architecture
its mouth a painted hare or rabbitt
atop an accretion of realnesses.
how do you value a painting? by its
pearlescent gummery centre. can
a beercan grow a thing. potteryhound
helmet from hellsdeep chainworks the
neolyth clawfoot cum eagle arm--
tender clips of the fan, snakely
beads reveal sculptoraly or by
erasure the ponderous red creature.
- Julian T. Brolaski
4 4 3 P A S
@ Kevin M. Absec Designs, Inc.
443 Park Avenue South, Suite 604
New York, NY 10016
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